Email: amy@goldbuyinggirl.com
At this time of the pandemic we are still buying gold and will be donating a percentage to the Houston Food Bank. This will also help those who need extra cash at this time.

We will also be doing business differently to accommodate the social distancing. Please visit The Gold Buying Girl drive-thru located at Hal Martin’s 6266 Westheimer, Houston, 77057 west of the Galleria.
Call for times 713-785-1111 or 713-204-6464
The Gold Buying Girl is taking every precaution to make sure that everyone is safe during this process.


Book a Party
The average party takes two to three hours.
Invite your friends, family, neighbors, church groups, social clubs, co-workers. Instruct your guests to bring their GOLD and silver and we will weigh their items and tell them what it is worth. We will write a check on the spot for the value of their items.

Have a Fund Raiser
An easy and fun way to generate money for a good cause where everyone involved benefits! Guests will be paid top dollar for their Gold, Silver & Platinum on the spot and at the end of the party we will donate 10% of all purchases to your charity or organization.

Private Appointments

It’s as easy 1-2-3
1. Pick a date.
2. Invite your friends and we do the rest.
3. Don’t want to host a party?
We also do private appointments.
Turn your gold into GREEN$$ and get paid to party!
Call 713.204.6464 or email to book your party today!
Certified Precious Metal Dealer: Cert. # 0101647. TDA Certified: Cert. # 0616376

Enjoy the company of your girlfriends and take a trip down memory lane while cashing in on your jewelry box!
We will evaluate and test each piece FREE of charge. We offer complimentary quotes on your gold, silver and platinum pieces with no obligation for guests to sell their items.
We pay a 10% hosting fee on the entire payout of your party. The average hostess makes $400. Plus we supply FREE invitations and instructions on how to have a successful party that will put more money in your pocket. Your guests can even drop off their items and a check will be waiting for them. Call us today to schedule your Gold Buying Girl Party!